
Eye Retina Treatment

A dedicated, well-trained Cornea specialist with extensive work experience runs the Cornea clinic at our center. The services offered are outlined below.

Like in a camera, the eye too has powerful and specially designed optics – the Cornea & Crystalline lens. These focus the image on the retina. The Cornea does most of the focusing. It has no blood circulation and breaths oxygen from the air. This wonderful living ’lens’ is optically clear and is the most sensitive part of our body.


Corneal diseases

Corneal diseases can cause clouding and distortion of vision, and eventually blindness. There are many types of corneal diseases like infections due to contact lenses, dry eye, abrasions from trauma, and inflammations. Other conditions include keratoconus, pterygium etc

Cornea Transplantation

Patients needing cornea transplant are the ones with corneal decompensation, infections, dystrophies and corneal scars. We offer full thickness cornea transplant as well the newer anterior and posterior lamellar corneal transplant, where only the diseased layer is changed. Young children and babies may also need cornea transplant, and timely decision for surgery is essential.
